Monday, January 25, 2010

one of my favorite characters in a movie is cyd charisse's character in "singin' in the rain."

even though she doesn't talk and her part is very short, she is so intense and her costumes are so awesome. especially that green dress - insane.

i can't stand her sassiness. even though debbie reynold obviously had a bigger part, if i had to choose, i would play this girl over kathy seldon any day. that is, of course, if i knew how to dance and was 6 feet tall.

ah yes, the part right before the dream sequence within a dream sequence.
did any of this make sense to the rest of the movie? no. but was it awesome to watch? duh.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you love "Singing in the Rain" as much as me! This girl always scared me a little. But she's so classy!!
